Brittney and Matthew looked absolutely stunning on their wedding day! Their wedding at Tate House was among our favorites of the year! Tate House always has so many spectacular places to take photos, but on this night in particular, we were able to capture the stars in a gorgeous night shot of Brittney and Matthew!
#MikeMoonStudio #BrittneyandMatthew #Brittney #brittany #matthew #Matt #KingOdom #King #Odom #BrittneyOdom #MatthewOdom #BrittneyKing #StarShot #NightSky #NightPhotography #Moonlite #Moonlight #stars #FirstDance #FirstLook #BlueTux #whiteDress #TateHouse #Tate #TateGA #GeorgiaWedding #FatherDaughter #father #son #MintToBe #Candy #Mint #RingShot #WeddingBand #WeddingEngagementRing #EngagementRing #Mist #Hairspray #atlantaweddingphotographer #weddingphotography #DestinationWeddingPhotography #NorthGeorgia #NorthGeorgiaWeddingPhotographer